FanonMonsterHunter Wikia
Titles Colossal Spider
Nicknames Guju
General Info
Monster Class Temnoceran
Habitats Battlequarters
Size Giant
Relatives None
Signature Move Flammable Thread
Elements Fire Fire
Ailments Webbed Webbed
Fireblight Fireblight
Weaknesses Water Water
Creator MonsterHunterFlacko Adopted by ElusiveSeeker

Gujurizen (グジュライゼン, Gujuraizen) is a Temnoceran.


Gujurizen is a massive Temnoceran whose size is comparable to the equally gigantic Shen Gaoren. Its body is mostly dark brown. The legs are long, thin, and are colored dark yellow. Its large, spherical abdomen is entirely dark brown and covered in several large, yellow spines. Gujurizen have spiked forelegs ending in laterally flattened pincers that have a teardrop shape when closed.


Gujurizen can spit a thick, sticky strand of silk from its mouth at prey. Once the thread has caught its target, it uses its mandibles to create a spark, causing the silk thread to catch on fire and burn the trapped prey. By utilizing this method it can also launch flaming balls of silk. It can also crush enemies under its legs and in its claws.


Gujurizen aimlessly wander through their territory in search of prey. They are very indiscriminate eaters, as their large size allows them to prey on virtually anything.


Gujurizen are theorized to live within the mountains. They can often be found within the Battlequarters.



No available icon. Massive Temnocerans that spit flammable silk at its prey. Once it has a string attached, it uses its powerful mandibles to set its silk ablaze, severely burning its ensnared victim. They can also spit balls of flaming silk.


  • Order: Chelicerata
  • Infraoder: Unknown
  • Family: Gujurizen

Gujurizen is a gigantic Temnoceran.

Habitat Range[]

Gujurizen are theorized to live within the mountains. They can often be found within the Battlequarters.

Ecological Niche[]

Gujurizen is assumed to be a predator, but since they're not seen interacting with other species, it is unknown how they truly fit into the ecological niche.

Biological Adaptations[]

Gujurizen can spit a thick, sticky strand of silk from its mouth at prey. The silk it produces is highly flammable. Once the thread has caught its target, it uses its mandibles to create a spark, causing the silk thread to catch on fire and burn the trapped prey. By utilizing this method it can also launch flaming balls of silk. It does so by holding the flaming silk in its mouth before launching it. It can also crush enemies under its legs and in its powerful claws.


Gujurizen are seemingly aggressive, attacking hunters on sight.


  • Each leg can be broken, as can its claws.
  • Gujurizen can be mounted on its head and abdomen.
  • Its name comes from Gǔjùrén zhīzhū, Chinese for "ancient giant spider."