FanonMonsterHunter Wikia
Great Barnos
Titles Aggressor Leader Drake
Nicknames Barnosdrome
General Info
Monster Class Wingdrake
Habitats Elder's Recess, Sodium Mines, Apocalyptia, Town Ruins, Crash Site
Size Gold Crown Large 2085.49 cm

Gold Crown Small 1157.1 cm

Relatives Barnos
Signature Move Barnos Blitz
Elements None
Ailments Status Defense Down Status Blindness Status Blastblight
Weaknesses Element Ice
Creator ElusiveSeeker

The Great Barnos is the leader of the Barnos flock. These particular flocks are uncommon and not representative of other Barnos flocks. Barnos overruled by these alphas are much more hostile and relentless in comparison.

Great Barnos Render by TheElusiveOne


Dark black in colour compared to the crimson colour scheme of the normal counterparts, has dead-looking amber eyes and a hue of smoke that constantly emits from its mouth. It also features a second pair of crests above its nostrils.


Vicious and ruthless, forcefully commands its fellow Barnos to be just as relentless, altogether, they can go from harassing large monsters to outright killing off weak or injured ones.


Just like its underlings, it fights in the air and usually never comes down, doing divebombs, wing flaps, pecks from the air, spitting out armour corroding fluids, raining down explosive powder from its mouth alongside unveiling a blinding mist of steam from its mouth that can cause serious cases of blindness: allowing the Barnos to attack you without difficulty.

Role in the Food Chain[]

Minimal - Extremely Low - Low - (Average) - High - Extremely High - Apex - Legend

Main Prey: Other wingdrakes (not its underling Barnos however), weak, sick, injured monsters (small or large)

Arch-Rivals: ???

Tracks: Barnos scraps


Habitat Range[]

Found in all the same places that house the Barnos which is predominantly volcanic regions such as the Elder's Recess.

Ecological Niche[]

On its own, its fairly moderate in the food chain, able to fend off the likes of Dodogama or Huatorei, it however cannot manage the likes of Uragaan, Lavasioth or Vulmandra without its Barnos underlings involved.

Biological Adaptations[]

Its second pair of crests marks its leadership amongst the Barnos flock, consuming minerals in the volcanic ashes have caused these alphas to heighten their hostility due to the chemical reactions within their bodies to these minerals, these additionally form the explosive powder it can spit out alongside the enormous ounces of steam that can severely damage eyesight.

In-Game Description[]

Great Barnos
Great Barnos Icon by TheElusiveOne The leader of the Barnos flock. Casually flies amongst with its flock, watching from below until it see's a limp or weakened prey item no matter how big, right then, they will rush downwards and finish the job. These wingdrakes can still be formidable to opponents with the will to fight so be on your guard.


  • It is the leader of the Barnos.